About Cumaps

About us


Welcome to my website https://cumaps.net/


Cumaps.net is a website that provides information about locations on the World Map.

If you need location data for your business, we have more than 500 millions stored-locations. Please contact us at info@cumaps.net for any inquires.

We believe in simplicity. We're happy to simplify ideas for everyone through our technology solutions and communities.


A number of new geospatial viewing tools from major players in the Internet industry have recently appeared on the scene and are taking the geospatial world by storm. Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Amazon have all released Web-based mapping tools in the past year, and collectively these new players to the industry have raised the bar for Internet mapping. Although their functional capabilities don’t provide anything we haven’t seen in Web offerings from traditional GIS vendors, their emergence has been significant in that they have managed to capture a wider audience.

Google, in particular, has emerged as the leader of this pack with its recently released Google Maps product. It provides a slick, highly responsive visual interface built using AJAX technologies along with detailed street and aerial imagery data, and an open API allowing customization of the map output including the ability to add application-specific data to the map. To make it even better, Google currently provides access to this service for FREE! In this article we’ll examine some of the basic capabilities provided through the Google Maps product.